1) Iran’s Nuclear Deal: ‘Soviet Union Wall-Coming-Down Moment’: Middle East Correspondent Azadeh Moaveni lives in Tehran and in this op-ed, talks about the Iranian perspective on the nuclear deal agreement: “The mood in Tehran is pure fizz, and the talk spans everything from cheaper iPhones to democracy.”
2) Egyptians React To Omar Sharif’s Death: Though some young Egyptians say they don’t know actor Omar Sharif’s work, many of the older generation see him as an important icon and were saddened by his death last week.
3) Palestinian Trades Stones for a Viola: Taken in 1988, during the first Palestinian intifada, an iconic photo shows an eight-year-old Palestinian boy about to hurl a stone, with clear fear in his eyes. That boys’ name is Ramzi Aburedwan and fortunately his life has since changed, and today he is a respected musician and teacher.
4) Is a Muslim President a Real Possibility? According to Religion News Service, a recent Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans would be open to vote for a president who was a “generally well-qualified person who happened to be Muslim.”
5) And finally, Mecca, Courtesy of Snapchat: The lobbying efforts of Muslim Snapchat users prevailed and on Tuesday, the message app delivered live-stream coverage of Ramadan prayers in the holy city of Mecca. And in return, over a million people tweeted back largely favorable and sometimes even ecstatic tweets.