ThinkProgess reports on how some American Muslims have had to unfortunately deal with Islamophobia at today’s polls citing that “some groups have been preparing to protect Muslim voters from harassment at the polls. The hashtag #IslamophobiaAtPolls has caught on to document what they are experiencing.”
And here are some tweets from American Muslims on what they are experiencing:
Jana Al-Akhras Tweeted:
Standing in line to vote this morning — got asked how long I plan on staying in “our country”.
Sireen Twitted:
(While in line at the poll)
“Are you from India?” “No, I’m from here.” “Oh. So what’s that thing?”
(points at hijab)
Khaled Beydoun:
“Muslim go back home” shouted at my friend’s 50+ year old, head-scarved mother outside of Fresno, CA