Groups of Muslims who promote social, education and religious environments, took their input to social media last week where word soon spread that the ensemble musical group Al Firdaus (who are based in Granada) had arrived to America’s concert halls. Over the weekend, people clamored for tickets at the Turkish Diaynet Center of America and the GALA Hispanic Theatre in Columbia Heights – both venues quickly sold out. The group is also set to perform in Chicago and San Francisco.
“There’s been an assault on what Islam is and was,” says fan Ali Elashram. “This is a way to reconnect to that heritage. . . . Islam is a way of life.”
The Washington Post makes the point, “While the musicians of Al Firdaus did not set out to influence the contentious discussions around Islam, they are aware that this tour, at this time, in some small way could have an impact. Their music is far from political. It’s all about beauty and faith and peace and devotion — which is a point in itself.”
“When Islam has such bad press, we are ambassadors,” says musician Muhammad Domínguez, who plays the darbuka (a hand-held drum). “I think there is no better moment for us as Muslims and believers and followers of the prophet Muhammad to bring these events to the whole world.”